
圖片來源 posters/ice_age_two_th...

昨天晚上去看Ice age two, 因為第一集實在太好笑啦, 雖然大部分的電影第二集都不比第一集,
但是有著Blue Sky動畫的光環,去看他的動畫也不賴。

電影上映前的預告,不知道是不是因為卡通片,預告也都是卡通類, 有一部Disney出的Pixar做的叫Cars感覺也挺炫的, 一直都覺得Disney的故事性較強, 寓教於樂的感覺較重...動畫方面我就分不出來啦...感覺現在都做的差不多,之前我還以為Ice age也是Pixar做的Orz(不過Pixar做的
The Incredibles 跟Nemo都超棒的啦...), 所以那部電影吸引人,動畫棒之外故事性的安排也是很重要, 所以我好像不應該把喜歡的電影跟哪一家做的動畫混為一談。
不過看完Disney那個Cars的預告,感覺把Porshe之類的車畫得很可愛, 不知道他要吸引哪個族群,小孩子對車子也許不會有多大興趣, 車迷會覺得那可愛得動畫車很cool嗎? 有點搞不懂。

內容方面,感覺那些編劇跟導演除了很會虎爛之外, 對於這些以商業導向的片子還不忘來個道德教育之類的,並巧奪天工的用隱喻藏在對話裡,
除了對話本身, 角色本身也應該是經過安排的,像那隻在第二集超搶戲的松鼠,終日追逐他的橡實還蠻像守財奴或是汲汲營營的追尋某目標的感覺。(不過他的有些表情還真像王八烏龜...恩 這是我馬吉)
在這集裡面多了很多諷刺性的搞笑橋段, 挺爆笑滴...尤其是 I believe I can fly那段...嗎阿 超好笑

不過這部片搞笑一流, 製造驚聳手法也不差阿. 不知道是不是因為前幾天剛好念到那個再拖就不是福的閱讀測驗裡講到Ice Age所以覺得格外沈重,雖然不知道這個Ice Age是哪一個Ice Age..恐龍跟長毛象出現在同一時期? 片中講的因為溫室效應所以加速他們Ice Age的融化,(太強了吧..他們也常用泡沫髮膠或是燃料嗎? 這麼早就出現溫室效應也太扯了)
但我念到的哪篇剛好相反, Ice Age本來就是地球必經的過程....但比較讓我shock的是,在他的題目中出現一個答案竟然是正確的那就是那篇在暗示, 現在我們所處的地球本來應該已經要進入另一個Ice Age...是因為溫室效應以致於這個Ice Age在往後延...
挖賽...假如是真的,那真是讓我誤會溫室效應了, 假如遵循自然法則那我們會進入Ice Age..但是違反了,那會部會不小心熱死阿? 總不可能剛好調到人體室溫27度半吧...真是好神奇 恩 可以去找找資料研究ㄧ下...
以下是原文,給大家參考嚕(小女要考試啦 不要請我翻譯杯...練一下英文嚕)

Ice Age
In defining the geological, climatic and even the biological history of our planet, the periods of time when the climate was cooler and huge sheets of glacial ice covered far larger areas than they do today are called ice ages. They are popularly regarded as climatic anomalies that appear and disappear at intervals of many thousands of years. This view of what constitutes an ice age is not entirely accurate. Ice ages are indeed characterized by lower global temperatures and huge ice sheets extending far into what are now the temperate climatic regions. whether or not they can be regarded as anomalous depends entirely upon the time scale one chooses to adopt. the most recent such period ended about 11,000 years ago and is thought to have lasted for about 100,000 years. The problem is that it was but one of a sequence of such periods druing a much longer time known as the Pleistoscene Epoch. The Pleistoscene extends back from the end of the last period of glaciation for between 1.5 and 2 million years. It was, for the bulk of that time, precisely what we conceive an ice age as being. What it was not was continuous. Rather, it was a period of fluctuating global climatic conditions that can be generally described as a sequence of 18 or so punctuated by much brifer periods during which milder conditions prevailed. These warmer periods only lasted on average for about 10,000 years and are known to scientists as interglacial periods. When viewed on this time scale, that of the past several million years, things appear in a whole new light. Ice ages are no longer anomalies, but are actually to be regarded as the norm. However, this is not yet the whole picture. If we expand the scale of our view by several orders of magnitude, so that we are no longer looking at two or three million years, but at two or three billion years instead, things change back again. Ice epochs such as the Pleistoscene no longer dominate the overall climatic picture. The Earth has experienced several much longer periods of widespread glaciation, each spanning between 20 and 50 million years. Keeping in mind that the Earth is four and a half billion years old, we are back to the view of the ice age as a climatic anomaly. The implications of this big picture are compelling. Is the Pleistoscene Ice Age really over, or, has it just begun? No one can say for certain. But if the Pleistoscene is to be regarded as a 20 to 50 million year glacial epoch, barely one tenth of it has elapsed. Modern civilization must then exist in an interglacial period. Moreover, as the average length of an interglacial period appears to be 10,000 years, and the last period of glaciation ended 11,000 years ago, we may already have passed the period of optimal interglacial climate. In other words, our time may be running out.


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